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Turn AI curious into AI capable

Expand your AI skills with the latest technologies featured at Microsoft Ignite. Pay as you go or try Azure free for up to 30 days. There’s no upfront commitment—cancel anytime.

AI-powered assistant

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Find solutions for putting your ideas into action

  • Build intelligent apps at enterprise scale with the Azure AI portfolio.
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Products and Services

Explore tools for bringing your vision to life

Azure OpenAI Service

Build your own agents and generative AI apps.
Azure AI Studio
Build, evaluate, and deploy generative AI solutions and custom agents.
Azure AI Content Safety
Use AI to monitor text and image content for safety.
Windows Server on Azure
Run business-critical workloads with hybrid cloud agility and advanced security.
Azure Local
Run any app, VM, or container anywhere with a consistent Azure experience.
Azure SQL Database
Build limitless, trusted, AI-ready apps on a fully managed SQL database.
Microsoft Fabric
Reshape how everyone accesses, manages, and acts on data with a single, AI-powered platform.
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See why Microsoft was named a Leader by Gartner® 

Discover why Microsoft was named a Leader and positioned furthest to the right for Completeness of Vision in the 2024 Magic Quadrant™ for Strategic Cloud Platform Services (SCPS). 

Transform the way you work

Azure global infrastructure

Go beyond the limits of on-premises datacenters with more regions than any other provider.

Take the next step

Choose the Azure account that’s right for you

Pay as you go or try Azure for free for up to 30 days.

Connect with a sales specialist

Chat with or call a sales specialist for personalized guidance.

New to Azure? Learn at your own pace

Learn cloud computing basics with self-paced modules on Microsoft Learn.
AI-powered assistant